Thursday, June 16, 2011

FDR Readout Free For Public

hi there.

It's been about a month since the first post on FDR readout using Matlab. Now, allow me to show and to give you the application. I called it aPENGAMAT. In Bahasa Indonesia, this is Analisis Penerbangan dan Keselamatan. In English, it could be Flight Safety Analysis. Yes I know, the name of the software is quite a big deal while this initial release is no more than a very simple readout process. I have a dream (well, only a dream for now) that this software could also be used as a real flight safety analysis such as AirFASE. In fact, software routines are basically mimicking AirFASE. OK, let me introduce you. And at the end of this article, I'll give you the software ;)

Since this is based on Matlab 2008a Engine, you will need to instal Matlab Compiler Runtime (MCR 7.8). It's funny enough that I could not find download page in Mathworks site!
Edited: It seemed Mathworks would not allow any public reference for downloading it. You may need to purchase a Matlab license to obtain MCR included. Thank you Sumandari for MCR Installer link.
If you click the executable file, the main windows would be like this.
Just like the AirFASE routine goes on, there will be 1+3 simple step to be able to read FDR file. At first, you will need to setup -a so called dataframe layout that is customized for each aircraft. Ask for it to airline or manufacturer of the aircraft. May be you are wondering now, what is the dataframe layout? Well, you can read a general explanation here and here. If you have access and/or capability, just go to ARINC site and purchase ARINC 717 specification document. It will cost you a couple hundreds US dollars ;)

But let me give you one quick example what is the dataframe layout and how to define a flight parameter conversion into database. Let me pick a parameter called HEADING ATTITUDE. An aircraft's heading is the direction that the aircraft's nose is pointing. It is referenced by using either the magnetic compass or heading indicator, two instruments that most aircraft have as standard. Using standard instrumentation, it is in reference to the local magnetic north direction. True heading is in relation to the lines of meridian (north-south lines). The units are degrees from north in a clockwise direction. East is 90, south is 180 and west is 270 degrees. Operational range would then be from 0 degree to 360 degree.

Now, from a dataframe layout document, it is stated that the HEADING PARAMETER is stored in word 28, all subframes (1-4), and taking up 10 of 12 bits, ie: bit 3 (LSB) to bit 12 (MSB). See picture below. This parameter location is marked blue.

Now, the conversion function from raw data into engineering unit would be:
EU(DEGREE) = operational_range/bit_len^2 * RAW(DECIMAL)
From the figure above,
RAW = 1111100100 (BINARY) = 996 (DECIMAL)
Knowing the operational_range is 360 degree and bit_len is 10, the engineering unit would be:
HEADING (DEGREE) = 360/10^2 * 996
HEADING (DEGREE) = 0.08 * 996
This generic rule also valid for some flight parameters, such as pitch and roll attitude. Read the rest of the aircraft dataframe layout document. Now, we are ready to input it into DFL database. See figure below.

To be able to decode the FDR file, this program will try to communicate with dataframe layout database. And since I only have knowledge on Microsoft Access, we will keep in-touch with this closed-source software. To connect aPENGAMAT with Access database, open your Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Source (ODBC). Obviously, it is for Windows only.
Click "Add" to create new data source -> choose "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb,*.accdb)" -> click "Finish".

In "Data Source Name", type DFL. It must only be DFL though. In Database group click "Select...". Now, select DFL.accdb (this file is given. scroll trough the end of this article to download). Click "OK." Now, our dataframe layout database is already registered to Windows. Well done!

Now, we need to build m-file dataframe layout. From main window, click "Build DFL". Depending on your dataframe layout database, a input dialog will appear.

Choose a related dataframe that you want to use to read the FDR file. Then, we need to build -a so called intermediate file. This is no more than a mat file which is already structured in frame-subframe-word as specified in ARINC 717. Click "Build Intermediate" to proceed.

OK. Now, take a look at "Word: 64". It is the value of word per second that is effective to FDR file. Other value would be 128, 256 and 512 wps. Recent Boeing aircraft such as Lion Air B737-900ER with a tail number PK-LHM has used the latter value.

For "Posisi Baca", selecting EoF will read the FDR file starting from the end of file. Otherwise, selecting BoF will read the FDR file starting from the beginning of the file. For "Panjang Bacaan", set the value of "Jam" for hour and "Menit" for minute. Typical single flight would be an hour -or 60 minutes. Here, we are now ready to create intermediate file. Click "Open Raw".
For example, there are two ARINC 717 compatible file with extension of ddf. Selecting one of the files would get you back to Interm window. Now click "Create Interm". Program will now creating the intermediate file. Just wait untill a save window appears. Set the filename and click "Save". Well done!

Step two. From the interm_file.mat which contains ARINC 717-structured data, the program need to build -a so called result file, which also is a mat file that is already contain parameters value in engineering unit (for example, Pressure Altitude in Feet, IAS in Knot, Autopilot status in ON/OFF, and so on). On the main window, click "Build Result".

We are now asked for intermediate file that we had previously created. Open it. Then, a second window is asking us to select a dataframe layout file in mat extension.

Program will now converting the specified raw data into a more usefull information by using specified dataframe layout.

Now, result file had been created. To show result, click "Plot Result".

Go to Option -> Load and select the recently created result file. And there you go, program will try to show all active parameters. Change pop-up menu to show other parameters.

If you want to print these four subplot together, go to Option -> Print. It will be saved to where aPENGAMAT executable file is located.

Now, as my promise, I will give you the files. Here is for dataframe layout access database and here is for the aPENGAMAT executable file. Should you have discussion, please contact me.

Update Log:
23 August 2011,
  1. Redesigned: result file restructured to adapt event finder logic. You can also use this file to show flight parameter into Baca Window.
  2. Access database restructured.
  3. Added: zoom capabilities.
  1. Added: Find Events button. Note: Still struggling coding for the logic ;) 
11 August 2011,
  1. Solved: Cannot collect parameter with more than 1Hz sampling rate
  2. Note: I am currently working to add event exceedance detection feature between my idle work hours. Be patient ;) 
19 July 2011,
  1. Plot Result Figures (Baca Window) can now be zoomed simultaneously.
13 July 2011,
  1. Intermediate process now runs twice faster!
  2. Teledyne and Hamilton synchronizatation type now available.
  3. 64 and 128 wps file can now be read.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sync Facebook Contacts with Android

Hi there.

It's been about a month that i realized my Android phone cannot be synched with Facebook account since this phone doesn't have Motoblur account. I am really sad about it because i believe, there will be a time when i need the email address.

So i googled this site, and then found a very simple method on how to synch your Facebook account into your Android contact without software or installation method. Here they are:

1. you must have both yahoo mail and gmail account (gmail account that you use in your android -Harapan).

2 login to your yahoo mail.

3.go to contact - then choose import email from facebook (it suck all your friend email address into your contact list)

4. export yahoo csv. download/save it.

5.login to your gmail (i found that you need to open you gmail account on standard mode as HTML mode doesn't provide you with uploading contact -Harapan)

6. upload the csv file to gmail contact.

I added this one:

7. If you have already register your gmail account on your Android phone, tap your gmail account and tap Sync Contacts.

This trick goes to:

Monday, May 2, 2011

FDR Readout

Hi there.

Well, since working in airline industry, my Symbian journey is stagnant. I really like it though. It is because, creating application using Symbian compatible mobile device, the limit is the sky. Hehe, yes i mean it.

Now, been working closely with Flight Data Recorder System, I have some knowledge on communication structure used on aircraft. In essence, it has so many sensors around its body. For example, it has accelerometer sensor, attitude sensor, velocity sensor, ect. Why do we need these all? Well, for a reason, aircraft automatic flight control needs it for their feedback system. By acquiring aircraft attitude, the control system can decide wether the aircraft bahaves correctly or not while maintaining it.

Ok. The values sensed by sensors then acquired by a so called Flight Data Acquisition Unit (FDAU) or something like that. By FDAU, all the values is then encoded with ARINC 717 specification before sending it to FDR (some people may say it as blackbox, eventhough the color of FDR is orange).

So, it's now the important part: the collected flight data is now encoded in FDR. But how can we decode it? How can we able to view all or certain flight history, such as altitude, velocity, or attitude?

Well, I would answer it with... you need to read the ARINC 717 specification. All you need to know before able to read/decode FDR raw data is in it. I, for a couple of weeks also try to be able to read this FDR raw data.

This time, because of its nature and for some personal preferences, I chose Matlab as my development tool. It is basically pretty simple. There is one main Matlab function that is the crux of this script, i.e.:


For this purpose, set bitLen to 1 (integer) and nBit to ubit1 (string).

From there, you can choose whatever scheme you would like to obtain, to re-structure, and to convert the value. Oh yes, I forget to tell you that because the FDR raw data is encoded in binary format, able to understand ARINC 717 is not enough. There is also a so called Interface Control Document which describe where -let say the sensed accelerometer is stored by FDAU in a dataframe. I think I'm gonna describe it later on different article. Please read the ARINC 717 specification for definition of this dataframe.

Okay, i think it's enough for now. Gotta do something else. Should you have any related discussion, please email me or comment this article.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Jurnal of Aerospace Engineering

Hi there.

Well, actually this paper was submitted few months ago. You can check it here or here. Abstract is here:

This paper presents a high‐performance and simple guidance method for a short‐range missile. Missile control systems are designed along the estimated flight envelope of the missile based on coefficient diagram method. The LTI models are obtained by linearizing missile nonlinear model at specific operating points. The governing equations of motion are accurately modeled by taking into account the effect of the mass rate and the center of gravity shift. A novel algebraic approach called Coefficient Diagram Method is used to design normal acceleration and roll angle control systems. Proportional navigation law is considered as the guidance law. One case of engagement scenarios is studied and the missile performance is evaluated. The robustness of the proposed controller is tested againts parameter uncertainties and wind disturbance.

And you can download the portable document here. Should you have discussion, email me.

Taste Swype With Bahasa Indonesia

hi there.

recently, been busy working. um, this time, I would like to share some -which i believe would be useful information on how to type easily on Android set.

have you ever heard Swype input method? Now, It took 2 months to realize that this kind of input method is very useful and prompt. And it also took to a question whether I could use swipe for my own local language, Bahasa Indonesia.

After searching here and there, oficially, there is a hacking apk or a blog that show us how to include Bahasa Indonesia database for Swype. But, here somehow I don't like/want to proceed this way. As you need to root your android. hehe, ga lah yau, ini barang masih garansi, tar kalo ada apa-apa, gimane?!

And then, I choose to find database of Bahasa Indonesia's words (well, you need to unzip the source files and find dict file) and put it into custom Swype word database. But it then came to how to put this database all in one click?! Sorry, I gave up!

So, how can I still use this Swype capability for Indonesian language. Somehow I read the help section on Swype and it says something like these:

"If you want to add words  on your custom Swype database, just select all the words you want to add, and then click Swype logo on the virtual keyboard ".

Now, where could we find a bunch of words of Bahasa Indonesia. Well, it's easy if you know. Just go to or any other site that uses Bahasa Indonesia as their main language.

From those sites, just copy all words from their article. Of course it must be in Bahasa Indonesia. Then, open your Android New Email Message, paste these words, select all of it, the Swype keyboard shows up and then push the Swype button. There you go, we now have our own custom words in Bahasa Indonesia. If you need more, repeat this paragraf to add more words.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Uang lembaran 100 rupiah 1992

saya ada uang kuno (yah, ga kuno-kuno banget sih) keluaran 1992. uang lembar 100 rupiah sebanyak 22 lembar. yang menarik adalah nomor serinya berurutan, diakhir dengan XXXXXX900.
kalo ada yang minat dan sesuai, saya ingin jual saja. hubungi saya aja. tx.